martedì 19 febbraio 2013

Troubling Gender / CfP

Troubling Gender, Interactive Feminist Conference (Friday 24th May 2013 - ICOSS, University of Sheffield). Call for Papers: We invite feminist academics and activists to join us in a one-day interactive conference. The conference aims to provide a friendly, safe environment for academics and non-academics from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds to share ideas and research with like-minded people. We welcome submissions in a range of formats including presentations, posters, performance, art or other visual forms. Innovative and unusual submissions are encouraged.Suggested themes include :Age, generation and gender //Gender, ethnicity and nationality //Conflicts of embodiment // Gendering disability/ableism // Trans and queer identities // Women’s liberation and class struggle politics // Power, discrimination and gender inequality // Gender, posthumanism and animal studies. This is not an exhaustive list and we welcome submissions from a range of areas addressing issues of gender and overlapping identities, oppressions or intersectionalities. Please submit abstracts or outlines of your plans (250 words) for slots/papers of 20 minutes. Send abstracts to by Sunday 24th February, including your name and phone number. Conference organisers: Jennifer Kettle and Charlotte Jones, convenors of the Postgraduate Gender Research Network, University of Sheffield. Hosted by the University of Sheffield Postgraduate Gender Research Network and the Centre for Gender Research

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