martedì 5 febbraio 2013

Politics at the Intersection / Cfp

Un altro call for papers che può interessare credo molte/i di coloro che passano da qui: il 30-31 maggio 2013 ci sarà alla Ghent University la dodicesima Political Science Conference, con una sessione condotta da Sara de Jong e Liza Mügge, Politics at the Intersection. Trovate tutte le info procedurali direttamente nel sito, di seguito vi copio-incollo solo il testo del cfp: This session seeks to bring together Flemish and Dutch research on politics from two hitherto separate interdisciplinary strands of scholarship: Gender Studies and Migration and Ethnic Studies. Political scientists working on migration and ethnicity or gender often address comparable questions about the inclusion or exclusion of either women or migrants and ethnic minorities in politics. They focus on power structures, participation, inequality and the politics of representation and use similar concepts, such as political opportunity structure, identity politics, and discrimination. Moreover, both strands of research are concerned with the functioning of categories in their analyses (e.g. citizenship, race, ethnicity, gender). Despite overlapping research agendas, a constructive dialogue between Gender Studies and Migration and Ethnic Studies is largely absent. Key contemporary topics that traditionally are under scrutiny in Migration and Ethnic Studies or Gender Studies, such as the headscarf debate, questions of integration and participation, and gender equality,can no longer be understood from an ethnicity or gender perspective alone. Both fields need to extend their conceptual, explanatory and interpretative frameworks and acknowledge conceptual and theoretical developments across the fields, such as intersectionality and the critique of methodological nationalism. We invite contributors to take up what we consider to be future challenges for political science: (1) to mainstream intersectional analysis; (2) to be critical of the construction of taken-for-granted categories and the way such ‘fixed’ categories are influenced by nation-states; (3) to develop new mix-method toolkits to make this exercise feasible. This section welcomes theoretical and empirical papers that reflect on political issues, policies and themes at the intersection of different categories.We also invite papers that consider how conceptual and/or analytical frameworks from the different fields of Gender Studies and Migration and Ethnic Studies can be synthesised

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