martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Muslim of Europe. Perspectives on Gender and Religion

Islam is today the second religion in Europe. Despite the complexity implied by this fact, a widespread dichotomy present s a homogeneous Europe versus a likewise consistent Muslim "Other". This conference aims at deconstructing such a dichotomy and to scrutinize how gender lies at the heart of the frictions occurring as a result of contemporary transnational challenges. It presents frontline research on how European states govern Muslims´ migration movements and everyday life along with research focused on power relations within the Muslim minorities.. The conference (27-28 January 2011, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Sala Poeti, Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna) is organised by Sandro Mezzadra, Pia Karlsson Minganti and Renata Pepicelli at the Department of Politics, Institutions and History, University of Bologna and supported by the FP7 project Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interaction (GeMIC - Simultaneous interpretation English>Italian // Traduzione simultanea Inglese>Italiano.


2 commenti:

  1. I could not imagine that Muslims are the secont religion in Europe now!
    Beautiful blog.. Nice to meet you here.
    Thank you for follownin our blog..

  2. Hi Aracelis (right?), thanks for everything! See you soon ;-)
